Heli Solo Requiremnts Page



1. Club and AMA current membership

2. Flight check for basic equipment integrity.

3. Demonstrate the ability to hover in a stationary manner at 8 to 10 feet.

4. Demonstrate four axis movement from hover position, tail back.

5. Fly a figure 8 pattern at your discretion – right to left or left to right, to establish the ability to fly the pattern andto execute approaches from the left and right flying patterns.

6. Perform several landings.

The completion of this proficiency check will allow you to receive your wings and to fly in and over the Fixed Wing Area.

You must enter and fly in the flying stations after launch as required by the Field Safety Rules. Announce intentions for going onto the field for launching and landings.

All practice and testing must be done in the helicopter designated training area at the southern end of the field. You must have a spotter while learning, practicing, or performing a test flight or for equipment changes in this area. There is no need for a spotter if you are the only person at the field.

Any certified flight instructor will help you become certified.


Submitted by

Jack Stites, Chief Instructor

(Approved at RCMB general membership meeting on June 10, 2014.)