Proposed Changes to Club Constitution

For Review and Vote  

RCMB Constitutional changes for consideration and voting will be dealt with at the March 16 RCMB club meeting. Please read and come prepared to vote for or against these changes. These were all presented and discussed at the RCMB club meeting on Saturday, February 16.

If you wish to refer to our present constitutional language, you may bring it up on our website with the proper membership access code.

There are five papers with submitted proposed changes. You will receive five emails, numbered #1 thru #5. Please note that some of the submissions have more than one item on them so we will be voting on more than five items.

The ones proposed by Clarence Williams have the present wording crossed out and then what he proposes right on that paper.

You do not have to print these out and bring them to the meeting. Ronnie will be able to project these to the screen in the clubhouse. However, feel free to bring your own copies if you wish.

I hope to see you on March 16 at 11:00 a.m. at the clubhouse. Lunch will be served after the meeting. The electric seminar will be held after lunch This will be presented by Ronnie and Troy. Bring your questions and problems.P

Proposed Addition to Article X of the RCMB Constitution

8. Lifetime Achievement Award

The "Lifetime Achievement Award: is an award that is given to a RCMB member who ahs devoted many years in the Building, Flying  & Promoting the hobby of model aircraft.

This award is given to an RCMB member when deemed appropriate by the RCMB board. A list of possible considerations in meeting the required criteria for this award are listed as follows:

1.)RMCB club officer ( President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Teass, etc.)

2) RCMB Club appointment ( Transmitter Ed. , Sgt. of Arms, etc)

3) Event head ( contest , Picnic, Flea Market, Fly-in, etc.)

4.) Giving seminars ( Building, Repairing, Engines, Electric, Radios, etc)

5) Field Trip head ( Air Museums, RC Shows, Items of Interest, etc)

6. RCMB representation at National Events, Local Gov't, AMA, etc )

7) Modeling Expertise ( Scale, Performance, Experimental, Old Timer, Power, etc.)

8) Number of years in the club.

9) Number of years in the Hobby.


 Add the following to Article V - Meetings:

 4. All meetings related to club business will be held at the  location used for general club meetings.



Proposed 2013 ByLaw changes Clarence Williams 1/12/2013


1. The Board of Directors will propose a slate of nominees for elected offices to the membership at the meeting 90 days prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year.

Nominations can be made from the floor. A ballot will be sent to all members with provisions for a write-in nomination. Ballots must be received for tally no later than 30 days following nominations. Those elected will take office at the first meeting in the new fiscal year.


1. All voting for constitutional amendments, expulsion of members, and election of officers is by secret ballot.

2. Approval of constitutional amendments is dependent on 60 percent of those members present. Expulsion of members is by 80 percent of those members present. General club business is by a simple majority of those members present.

3. A ballot will be sent to all members with provisions for a write-in nomination. Ballots must be received for tally no later than 30 days following nominations

ARTICLE III Membership

6. Associate Member

Associates are non-flying members of the club. Associates are not required to hold an AMA license and they are not permitted to fly at the club field or any club functions. Associate Members may not hold an office in RCMB and will not have voting privileges.

ARTICLE V Meetings

1. The club will hold a minimum of 11 meetings per year. The monthly meeting shall be during the second week of the month. The balance of the yearly schedule shall be determined by the presiding club president in accordance with both the current Constitutional Articles and the planned club events. The schedule shall be published in the Nov./Dec. issue of the club newsletter and the club web site.

2. Meetings for the months of May, June, July, August, and September will be held at Kirk Field on the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings for October, November, January, February, March and April will be held at Kirk Field on the second Saturday of the month. There will be no meeting in December.

3. Special meetings may be held at any time provided that members are notified three or more days in advance.

3. A quorum shall consist of a minimum of 18 members.


Budgets must be submitted by the President-elect as expected to incur during the upcoming term year. These budgets must be approved in accordance with the dollar limits outlined in Sections 1 through 4 of Article XI. Those budgets must be submitted 60 days prior to the start of the new fiscal year and voted on at the next meeting.

Rationale for proposed 2013 Bylaw changes

ARTICLE III Membership Change 6

Proposed by Ron Stahl

ARTICLE V Meetings Change 3

It is an absolute necessity to have a quorum to hold a business meeting. The issue is what the number should be. I reviewed the minutes of the business meetings from the postings on the website. The average number of members attending over a 7 year period was 23.6 members. Since a number of 23 would be too high, I decided on 15% of the total membership of 129 to get 19. I eventually decided on 18 as this gives equal numbers of members as BOD members. If this number were in effect in the past, we would have missed a quorum on 3 meetings out of the 41 held.

ARTICLE V Meetings Change 1 and 2

Proposed by Jack Stites


The balance of the changes are procedural and need not be implemented unless additional changes are made to the document


1.       The purpose of this submittal is to address the fact that there is no formal control over who holds position of Chief Flight Instructor on the part of the board or membership.


Add a paragraph 14 to ARTICLE I (Officers) to read:


14. Chief Flight Instructor (appointed non board position)

The Chief Flight Instructor has the first duty of maintaining, in an operable condition, the club’s training assets, second duty of managing the roster of instructors, and finally third advising the board of training asset requirements and status.  Although not a board position in the club, the Chief Flight Instructor is appointed by the board for a 1 year term beginning at the same date the general officers take effect. The candidate for this position is selected by the instructors of record via written ballot and submitted to the board by the January general meeting for acceptance.  Should no candidate be offered by the instructor pool the board may or may not extend the term of the present chief flight instructor for up to 1 year.


2.       The purpose of this submittal is to place a limitation on the total amount in a given fiscal year the president can spend up to $150 without oversight be the board.

Change paragraph "Section 1:" of ARTICLE XI (Financial Management) to read:

Section 1:
That expenditures up to $150 over budget allowance must be approved by the presiding President but may not exceed a total of $300 in a given fiscal year without board approval.


3.       The purpose of this submittal is to address the disposition of club assets.

Add paragraph "Section 3:" of ARTICLE XI (Financial Management) to read:

Section 3:
That no member can dispose of club assets, whether purchased or donated, without the permission of the board.  Any conversion of club assets to cash must be placed in the club treasury.  Disposal of trash, construction debris, or material of no absolute value is exempt from this by-law.

4.       The purpose of this submittal is to establish general meeting voting rules.

Add paragraph 4 to ARTICLE VI (VOTING) to read:

4. Voting by the general membership to be conducted requires at least 20% of the total members eligible who can vote (quorum) in attendance and a simple majority of those attending must vote YES for the measure to get approved. Those in attendance abstaining will not be considered as NO votes but will be considered as part of the voting quorum.

5.       The purpose of this submittal is to establish Board voting rules.

Add paragraph 3 to ARTICLE VI (VOTING) to read:

3. For the purposes of Board voting, a simple majority of Board members must participate in the voting process.  For a measure to pass, a simple majority of Board members must approve the measure.  Voting must be conducted in person at a meeting for a discussion and
 record of voting and results will be documented.  No voting will be conducted by telephone.



1. The purposed of this submittal is to amend Charile Riley's proposed changed to the Constitution Article VI ( VOTING). The amendment removes the reference to voting by Email.

Paragraph #5 to read as follows:


3.) for the purposed of Board voting, a simple majority of Board members must participate in the voting process, For the measure to pass, a simple majority of the Board must approve the measure, Voting must be conducted in person at a Board meeting, No voting will be allowed by Email or Telephone.


The reason for the above amendment is that the person voting by E-mail will not hear the arguments "For or Against" by the board members and therefore doesn't have the full picture of what is being voted on.