DX8 Warning

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DX8 Warning

Postby DonEmmel » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:31 am

A couple of days ago I turned on my DX8 and got the low battery warning. The transmitter had not been left on nor was it on the charger. It was in my radio case with a nearly full charge for a few days. I popped open the battery compartment and noticed that one of the cells in the NiMH pack had overheated. The shrink wrap around the battery pack was partially melted around that one cell. Again, the radio was NOT on and it was NOT on the charger. It its possible that I had charged the battery and put it in the case w/o checking the charge. So it might have been in the case several days with a fried pack. After poking around other forums online I've seen posts from others having battery problems with the DX8. It looks like most people are having issues with the transmitter charger not going into trickle mode once the pack is fully charge. It usually results in a fried battery pack but there have been a few people who have had the radio get destroyed as well. Keep an eye on your transmitter when you are charging the battery.
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