Local Hobby Shops..... Everyone
likes to save money, but before you buy mail order, check out
these local suppliers. Remember, by making the right purchase
you will save you money. These guys are here to help you
and get the right product into your hands. Please support
them so they continue to stay in business and are there when we
need them. Radio Control Hobbies http://www.rc-hobbies.com/baltimorenorth 1512
York Road
Here is the link to the map where RC should not be flown: https://www.mapbox.com/drone/no-fly/?embed=true#9/39.1428/-76.5157 Expand/contract/navigate using your mouse. Put your cursor on the red areas and it will tell you why you can’t fly RC in that area (national parks, military, airports, etc.)
Balsa USA (building
materials and kits)
Xenonproject - RC Models at a good price Clubs....
Baltimore Area Soaring Society (BASS)
Harford County Radio Control Club
South West Area Park Modelers (SWAP)